Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Menyambung Modul GPS dengan AVR ATMEGA

1.      A string always start from ‘$’ sign
2.      GPGGA :Global Positioning System Fix Data
3.      ‘,’ Comma indicates the separation between two values
4.      100156.000 : GMT time as 10(hr):01(min):56(sec):000(ms)
5.      2650.9416,N: Latitude 26(degree) 50(minutes) 9416(sec) NORTH
6.      07547.8441,E: Longitude 075(degree) 47(minutes) 8441(sec) EAST
7.      1 : Fix Quantity 0= invalid data, 1= valid data, 2=DGPS fix
8.      08 :  Number of satellites currently viewed.
9.      1.0: HDOP
10.  442.8,M : Altitude (Height above sea level in meter)
11. -42.5,M :         Geoids height
12.    __ , DGPS data
13. 0000 : DGPS data
14. *71 : checksum

1.      Get data in UDR and check weather that data is equal to $. If the data matches         
        go to step (2) else get a new data.
2.      Get data byte by byte and check if the received byte is equal to GPGGA
3.      If the step (2) matches completely then go to step (4) else go back to step (1)
4.      Leave first comma and wait till second comma (since we not looking for time).
5.      Start taking data in an array lati_value[ ] till the next comma.
6.      Get latitude direction in lati_dir
7.      Do the same for longitude
8.      Display the values on LCD and go back to step (1).
sumber :

Pemrograman Display 7 Segment dengan MAX7219

menyambung lcd dengan atmega

source :
plan to translate in indonesia and several experiment

modul lcd dan microcontroller system board dari extreme electronic

just visit :

avr studio and winavr

start learning avr micocontroller.
could you translate into bahasa indonesia? may be. but I don't promise that.
just visit this site.
download this stuff :